
the only difference that i can perceive in the exacting of worldwide police tactics is whether or not police are allowed to actually shoot to kill or not, and how many times they are allowed to shoot (or torture) without censure or contract termination. many of the most brutal police receive promotions, much in the same manner that the most ruthless (ie anti-human) financial traders get the highest bonuses. otherwise, the police and military (and markets) exist primarily to reinforce the coercion inherent in the concept of the state, a coercion that increasingly relies on violence as a means of conquering peace. it isn’t long in the duration of a police action before the same police that brutally arrest someone in an unprovoked manner call in back-up to quell the growing crowd that has amassed as an audience to the total dehumanization of an individual member of the pre-crowd that has been chosen as a scapegoat simply to emphasize what could happen to anyone if they find themselves on the wrong side of the police. this happened down the street from me on saturday. a concerned person finds themselves with only one means of defense: the camera. the camera allows an accurate depiction of the progression of events and a truer recording of history. i must note that before roughly 2009 the police in berlin dressed mainly in green. there must have been an e.u. directive of some sort that mandated the new color choice, one that falls in lock step with the rest of the fiat world, black and blue. i must also note that societies that rely heavily on unjustified and unjustifiable (in a humanist way) police tactics are often those whose currency is backed only by credit and sleight of hand, or whose power system is undemocratic and despotic. these police systems become defacto occupying forces on behalf of the ‘property’ owners, namely those with roles in the production and maintenance of credit who control both the dissemination of macro-financing and the flow of materials and ideas that challenge the legitimacy of such a technocratic (and often plutocratic) ruling structure. in this way, the phrase ‘all cops are bastards’ rings true, in that they do not protect people from each other, but rather protect the rights of private property and its supposed holders from the people who give that same property value by trading their time and energy for it. i mean this more in the sense that police, as guardians of the state, no longer reflect the will of the people, but rather the will of a hierarchy that relies on the propagation of myth and lie for its power, the myth being that we as people require a state to govern us, and the lie being that its currency as a tool is worth the value that it purports to contain. when these assumptions are challenged, the most common response by the state is violence against people brought by people paid with the state’s currency (one that is inherently a false promise) seemingly in order to reinforce the state’s legitimacy to do so, which serves in effect to corrode the state’s legitimacy in the hearts of the people.